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Safety Justification for machines or equipment

The proof of safety is an official document that contains a detailed list of risks. It contains data from the manufacturing documents, the operational documents and the design documents on minimum measures required. The aim of this proof is to guarantee the safety of machines and plants throughout their entire operating life cycle. This includes repairs and maintenance as well as disposal.

The technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Machinery and Plant”
(TR CU 010/2011) define the terms “machine” and “facilities”

  • A machine is a set of several interconnected components or parts At least one component of which is driven by energy sources, corresponding drives or control chains which are connected to form a uniform mechanism for the intended use (e. g. for conveying, machining or processing of any material). 
  • Installations are technical devices which are built up independently or on a machine. Without their use it is not possible to fulfil the main or auxiliary functions of this machine or to combine several machines in one functional system.

Safety Justification Preparation Requirements

The requirements defined by GOST R 54122-2010 must be strictly observed while creating the corresponding documentation. These are divided into two different options:

  • In the form of a full safety record. This document contains both the results of all tests and calculations and a documentary justification of the measures taken to ensure safety. Such a document is necessary for the implementation of monitoring and control procedures.
  • In the form of a short safety certificate that does not contain any data from the results of tests and measurements and is purely declarative. Such a document is used to confirm the conformity of the products with the requirements of the relevant technical regulations.

Preparation of Safety Justification

The safety certificate is also produced in the machine (facility) design phase. It is possible to create a safety record for several modifications or product models.

The complete safety record contains 11 sections:

  1. key parameters and specifications (product image, drawings, its specifications, components, as well as project documents);
  2. general approach to safety at design and production stage;
  3. reliability requirements (reliability values, failure criteria, requirements to structural, operating and technological reliability measures);
  4. staff/user requirements, including those who may be admitted to operate the product;
  5. application (operation) risk analysis and recommended measures to reduce the risk;
  6. commissioning safety requirements;
  7. safety management requirements at equipment operation;
  8. quality management requirements at equipment operation;
  9. environmental management requirements at equipment commissioning, operation and disposal;
  10. safety data collection and analysis requirements at equipment commissioning, operation and disposal;
  11. safe disposal requirements.

The preparation of a safety certificate for a product which concerns its import into the Eurasian Economic Union (EAWU) can be carried out taking into account the technical documentation which can be called up by the manufacturer and which is relevant for a CE marking (according to Annex VII/Annex VII to Directive 2006/42/EC “On Machinery and Mechanisms”/Directive 2006/42EC on machinery):

  • technical documentation for partly completed machinery/Technical file for machinery or relevant technical documentation for partly completed machinery

The following standards must be observed when developing the safety certificate (irrespective of the country of origin):

  • GOST R ISO 12100-1-2007 “Safety of machinery. Basic Terms, General Principles for Design Part 1: Basic Terms, Methodology”;
  • GOST R 27. 002-2009 “Reliability in Engineering: Terms and Definitions”;
  • GOST R 51344-99 “Safety of Machinery: Principles of Risk Assessment and Measurement”;
  • GOST R ISO 12100-2-2007 “Safety of machinery - Basic terminology, general principles for design - Part 2: Technical principles”;
  • GOST R ISO 13849-1-2003 “Equipment safety - Elements of safety-related control systems - Part 1: General design principles”;
  • GOST EN 1070-2003 “Device Safety: Terms and Definitions”;
  • GOST 27. 310-95 “Reliability in Engineering: Analysis of Types, Consequences and Criticality of Errors.” basic provisions.

We at EasyGOST EAC Service are happy to provide you with a safety certificate for machines and systems at any time.

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